#include <agar/core.h> #include <agar/gui.h> #include <agar/math/m.h>

typedef struct m_complex { M_Real r; /* Real part */ M_Real i; /* "Imaginary" part */ } M_Complex;
M_Complex M_ComplexGet (M_Real r, M_Real i)
M_Complex M_ReadComplex (AG_DataSource *ds)
void M_CopyComplex (AG_DataSource *ds, M_Complex *z)
void M_WriteComplex (AG_DataSource *ds, M_Complex z)
The M_ComplexGet() routine returns a M_Complex structure describing a complex number with real part r and imaginary part i.
M_ComplexI() returns the complex number for i. M_ComplexMinusI() returns the complex number for -i.
The M_ReadComplex() function reads a complex number from an AG_DataSource(3) and returns it. M_CopyComplex() returns the number in z. M_WriteComplex() writes a complex number to a data source.
M_Real M_ComplexReal (M_Complex z)
M_Real M_ComplexImag (M_Complex z)
M_Real M_ComplexModulus (M_Complex z)
M_Real M_ComplexArg (M_Complex z)
M_Complex M_ComplexAdditiveInverse (M_Complex z)
M_Complex M_ComplexMultiplicativeInverse (M_Complex z)
void M_ComplexPolar (M_Complex z, M_Real *r, M_Real *theta)
The M_ComplexReal() routine extracts and return the real part of complex number z. M_ComplexImag() returns the imaginary part.
M_ComplexModulus() returns the modulus of z, which is computed as sqrt(r^2 + i^2). M_ComplexArg() returns the argument of z, computed as atan2(i,r);
M_ComplexAdditiveInverse() returns the additive inverse of z.
M_ComplexMultiplicativeInverse() returns the multiplicative inverse of z.
M_ComplexPolar() returns the polar form of z into r (corresponding to the modulus) and theta (corresponding to the argument).
M_Complex M_ComplexAdd (M_Complex a, M_Complex b)
M_Complex M_ComplexSub (M_Complex a, M_Complex b)
M_Complex M_ComplexMult (M_Complex a, M_Complex b)
M_Complex M_ComplexDiv (M_Complex a, M_Complex b)
M_Real M_ComplexAbs (M_Complex z)
The M_ComplexAdd() routine returns the sum of complex numbers a and b. M_ComplexSub() returns the difference.
M_ComplexMult() computes the product of complex numbers a and b. M_ComplexDiv() divides a by b and returns the result.
The M_ComplexAbs() function computes the complex absolute value (i.e., sqrt(r^2 + i^2)). If the magnitude of either real or imaginary parts differs with zero up to 50% of machine precision, both parts are rescaled prior to squaring.
M_ComplexSqrt() computes the complex square root of z.
M_ComplexLog() computes the complex natural logarithm of z.
M_ComplexExp() computes the exponential of z.
M_ComplexPow() returns a raised to the complex power z.
M_Complex M_ComplexSin (M_Complex z)
M_Complex M_ComplexCos (M_Complex z)
M_Complex M_ComplexTan (M_Complex z)
M_Complex M_ComplexCot (M_Complex z)
M_Complex M_ComplexAsin (M_Complex z)
M_Complex M_ComplexAcos (M_Complex z)
M_Complex M_ComplexAtan (M_Complex z)
M_Complex M_ComplexSinh (M_Complex z)
M_Complex M_ComplexAsinh (M_Complex z)
M_Complex M_ComplexCosh (M_Complex z)
M_Complex M_ComplexAcosh (M_Complex z)
M_Complex M_ComplexTanh (M_Complex z)
M_Complex M_ComplexAtanh (M_Complex z)
The M_ComplexSin() function returns the complex sine of z. M_ComplexCos() returns the complex cosine, M_ComplexTan() returns the complex tangent and M_ComplexCot() returns the complex cotangent.
M_ComplexAsin(), M_ComplexAcos() and M_ComplexAtan() compute the complex arc sine, arc cosine and arc tangent of z, respectively.
M_ComplexSinh(), M_ComplexAsinh(), M_ComplexCosh(), M_ComplexAcosh(), M_ComplexTanh(), M_ComplexAtanh() compute the complex hyperbolic sine, arc sine, cosine, arc cosine, tangent and arc tangent of z, respectively.
M_Complex structure first appeared in
Agar 1.3.4.